Thursday, February 21, 2008

L.I.F.E. Spring Event St Thomas University

Miami Lakes, Florida - Over 20 students, faculty and professionals got together for the National Society of Hispanic MBA's (NSHMBA) Latin Initiative to Foster Empowerment (LIFE) Spring Event. The theme of the event "Why should I network?" brought participants ans seasoned professionals whom shared their tips on networking and the difference their network has made in their careers.

"Networking is a powerful tool for personal and professional development" said to participants Darwin Rivera Vice President of MIS and Communications for the South Florida Chapter Board of NSHMBA. This statement was echoed by other professionals like Carlos Baldo, Chief Financial Officer of Rhino Paper and Marketing and NSHMBA member who share that his network "had been important in making career decisions".

Dr. Beatriz Gonzalez Robinson Vice President of Planning & Enrollment at St Thomas University thanked NSHMBA for their support of the L.I.F.E. program and encouraged students to take advantage of the mentoring opportunities that the L.I.F.E. program offers. Participants enjoyed a networking session that culminated with two free NSHMBA memberships to those that had made the most amount of contacts. Mr. Victor Cuesta NSHMBA Chapter Board President thanked all participants for their support and reiterated his support for the program and looks forward to future engagements.

Monday, February 18, 2008

NSHMBA South Florida 2008 Kick-off was a success!!!

South Florida NSHMBA Kicks Off 2008 Calendar of Networking Events

MIAMI – February 14, 2008 – More than 200 Hispanic MBAs attended the 2008 Kick-Off Celebration of the South Florida Chapter of the National Society of Hispanic MBAs (NSHMBA), marking the start of another year of career development, educational advancement and fantastic networking opportunities.

The Kick-Off, one of the year’s most popular membership events, gives up-and-coming Hispanics and Hispanic MBAs the opportunity to meet, network, and open doors to new opportunities.

“This is what NSHMBA is all about,” said South Florida Chapter President Victor Cuesta. “Our chapter helps Hispanic MBAs achieve success in business and provides career – and even financial – assistance to Hispanics seeking a graduate education. We build relationships that will help our members shatter that glass ceiling.”

Held at the Country Club of Coral Gables on January 31, the Kick-Off was sponsored by TotalBank and Chivas Regal. Cuesta and other South Florida Board members took the opportunity to share some of the Chapter’s considerable accomplishments in 2007, as well as its ambitious goals and scheduled events for 2008.

“Among our upcoming events are the Florida International University Just-in-Time Hiring Career Fair, open to FIU Alumni and NSHMBA members on February 15. Through events like these, the South Florida Chapter of NSHMBA continues to fulfill its mission of fostering Hispanic leadership through graduate management education and professional development in order to improve society,” Cuesta told the gathering.

About NSHMBA The National Society of Hispanic MBAs (NSHMBA) was created in 1988 as a 501(C)(3) nonprofit organization. Widely known as the "Premier Hispanic Organization," NSHMBA serves 32 chapters and 7,000 members in the U.S. and Puerto Rico. It exists to foster Hispanic leadership through graduate management education and professional development. NSHMBA works to prepare Hispanics for leadership positions throughout the U.S., so that they can provide the cultural awareness and sensitivity vital in the management of the nation’s diverse workforce.